This commentary video is a deep dive on the song “Social Mirror” which discusses self perception being warped by social norms. Giving examples about what people see on the internet, such as: beauty standards and ways of living.
Watching Bring the Soul: Vlog + Mini Review!
In this video, I vlog my experience when I went to watch Bring The Soul in theaters! This is one of my favorite movies because the movie is about BTS! I love them so much and look up to them a lot so I am really happy that they made a third movie!
The movie was a lot of fun! I also go to Hot Topic to look at their BT21 merchandise. At the end I also give you a mini movie review. I loved this movie. It made me laugh, and cry lol. Check it out!
You can check out my other BTS posts here.
Unboxing BTS & BT21 From eBay!
In this video, I unbox BTS merchandise from eBay!The merchandise really surprised me! There kinda good quality not gonna lie lol. Well, it’s not the AMAZING quality but the items are pretty nice. Enjoy the video! ?
Unboxing/Walkthrough BTS Map Of The Soul Persona Album
In this video I unbox and review Map Of The Soul Persona album by BTS! I love their work so much and I love that their albums are really well made! Congratulations to them and I wish them a lot of success and love and all the good things in the world! I really recommend this album, for the music and all the items that it includes! Check out my Map Of The Soul Persona Unboxing video!
Tips For Having Braces & Palate Expander!
Hopefully this video is helpful in case you are looking for tips when having braces and palate expander! At first, it was pretty uncomfortable and painful but now I feel way better! Check out this video to know more about my experience and for more tips!
You Never Walk Alone BTS Album Unboxing and Review
In this video, I do an unboxing of the BTS album “You Never Walk Alone”! This album is so well made! The production of the songs and packaging is high quality too! Their albums aren’t just a CD with a plastic box. The albums have photobooks, sometimes posters, photo cards, cute packaging, and the CD of course. Most BTS albums are amazing (from an unbiased perspective too). Highly recommend this album!
Mini Rant: Help Families From Being Separated
Hi guys! In this video, I wanted to talk about this problem that has been happening, which I explain in the video.
Here is a petition if you’re interested:
Reasons To Love BTS! (Opinion Piece) ?
I love BTS!!! They are very amazing musicians, I recommend their music because they don’t only have catchy songs, but they’re songs have very wonderful messages.
What I Like About Them
One of my favorite things about them is their chemistry! I can feel that they get along really well as if they are all related. That makes the songs sound so much better. What I really admire about the songs is the messages, some talk about your mental health and talk about important subjects and issues that need to be spread. And that’s what a real artist is about; it’s not just producing fun songs to listen to, but songs are also a way to communicate. The fact that they speak a language that I don’t understand is mind blowing because the songs can still inspire me and move me. I just can’t explain how much I love and admire their work. I hope I can be like them one day!
Final Thoughts
A lot of people aren’t open minded about hearing another person’s music who speaks a different language, and I think they should at least hear the music before criticizing. I say this because I’ve heard lots of criticism about BTS from people who haven’t even heard their songs or know what they’re about, and they refuse to listen to the songs! I just think that’s so unfair. I really admire them so much and hope they can continue to be successful and wish them all the best! ?