“Coffee on a Rainy Night” Oil Painting

This is a 7×5 oil painting on canvas, of a cozy coffee shop on a rainy night. A table displays a glass cup filled with espresso, and a strawberry pastry beside it. In the background, you can see the equipment used to make the coffee.

It’s available on my Redbubble shop!

I also made a Youtube video showing the making of this painting! Check it out if you’re interested!

Electric Guitar & Fender Amplifier: Painting

Painting this electric guitar with the Fender amplifier was actually really hard. That’s why I am really surprised at how this painting turned out! I first took a picture of the guitar and the amplifier. Then, I edited the photo in an app with filters for it to have some pop of color! After that, I put the pic somewhere I could see it, to have it as reference while painting on the canvas! It took a while to finish it but it was worth it. You can check out some more of my art works here!

Painting of a guitar next to a Fender amplifier